Apothecary Request

30 minute Consultations

via zoom

( Diving deeper into your condition to help assist you.)

$45 one time payment


Please email trenasgarden@gmail.com

“I would like to book a consultation.”

-Your name

I will reach back out to you within 24 hrs.

“When your body is in it’s most nutritional state, it heals itself ”

-Retrena W.

On Boarding Clients

• Monthly herbs

(whatever herbs are needed to help your condition)

• A nutritional plan

• Bi weekly check ups

$200 monthly subscription

(minimum 3 months, typically clients see results in 3 months, conditions vary).

If you would like to extend your herb supply and checkups it’s only $165 and turns the subscription month to month (can cancel anytime, just email 30 days before next payment.)